
Showing posts from September, 2015

Girls Night

Hi guys! I just thought that I would do a quick update because I am going away for a few days and I am not going to bring my computer. Last night I had a lovely dinner with my very good friend Patricia. But even though it was so lovely and nice it was kind of sad because that will be the last time that we will see each other for a few months. She is moving to London to go to film school. I am happy and  a bit jealous of her but it is still sad since we kind of just became friends. We got to know each other since we both worked Gröna Lund this summer. It was a really nice dinner. We went to Riche, where I have actually never been before but I am definitely going back there. I really loved the atmosphere. I really do recommend the restaurant. your writer, Erika

Alena The Movie


International Boyfriend Day

Hello everyone! How are you doing? So you know that international boyfriend day is coming up right?! You don't? Well oh let me inform you then. International boyfriend day (yeah it's a real thing) is next Saturday on October 3rd. There is also an international girlfriend day, but that day has already past (it was on August 1st). That's how I found out about the boyfriend day. So now you're all probably freaking out about what to get or do for your boyfriend on this special occasion. But no need to worry! That is why I am here. I am your saviour in this situation. So what am I thinking? What is my solution? Well, what about underwear! I know that I love some underwear for the international girlfriend day (well, Christmas, my name day, Valentins Day AND my birthday comes before that). Underwear is great because everyone needs them, plus the right underwear just makes me feel like superwoman. So I am guess it kind of has to be the same for men. Because when that first la...

Caving In

Hi everyone! I thought that I had to update this blog before it dies. LOL. No it won't die but I have just been working and been busy. I mean yeah I have had some free time the last few days but I have been busy with friends. OOOOh, I bought sheets the other day. LOL, that is so interesting OMG (you love reading about this right, me buying new sheets... interesting). No but I feel like a grown up because I bought sheets. Idk it just seems like an adult thing to do. Maybe it's just me. Or like a thing you do when you go off to college. Yeah, maybe it's your parents buying them for you then. Idk, I feel like an adult and yeah that's that. Oh, a friend and I went and saw the new Maze Runner movie today. I wanted to see Straight Out Of Compton  but she was all like "Oooh, Maze Runner!" and just kept on begging me. So I caved. Eh, whatever. It was good. Much better than the first one. I have a good memory watching the first one. A wonderful memory. But yeah this ...


A quick morning post before I hit the shower. I have just been sitting here not doing anything special. Well, I guess you can say that I have accomplished something at least since I have eaten breakfast. You gotta eat something right. Like I don't understand people who don't eat breakfast. Okay it happens (but very rarely) that I don't eat breakfast because I am not hungry. Rarely. Most of the time the thing that excites me when I go to be that when I wake up in the morning I get to eat. EAT! Lol. Nah, I have just been eating this morning. I have done som online window shopping. LOL (is that even a thing - it is now because I made it a thing). I what to buy some new things for my apartment. Revamp it you know. I have been checking ZARA Home because ZARA is the best. I have just gotten this new found love for ZARA's clothes. I mean their clothes are fab and look quite expensive or at least like the cost more than they do but they're not. So you just end up looking ...

Serious Enough

Hi guys! What are you doing this time of day? I am preparing for a job interview tomorrow and doing some laundry. Gosh, gotta love having your own washing machine. Doing laundry whenever you want. LOL. It's not that fun to do laundry but it's nice having clean clothes and it's way more convenient to have a washing machine at home. Hihihi. I just hope that some of the clothes will dry until tomorrow so that I can wear them then. LOL. I wanna look fresh and cool. Idk, if I should wear it though. I mean I want to look serious when I go to my job interview. I mean serious that I want this job. Because I do, otherwise I would not have applied for it. your writer, Erika

It's All About ZARA

Hi. Gash I am too stressed these days. But not too stressed for shopping. I don't think that this stress is so good for my economy. But who cares. I mean yeah I care but I won't end up on Lyxfällan , I am not that much of a big spender. LOL. Anyways, I bought this cute dress today at ZARA. I tried it on a couple of weeks ago but ended up buying another dress. Eh so today I bought this dress too. I just had to because it is so freaking comfortable. And it looks so great on me. It hugs my body in all of the right places. your writer, Erika

I Need A Vacation

Hi guys! I thought that I would do a little quick post before I have to head of to work. Gash, I really do not want to work. I mean I need a vacation. I NEED some time off. I just need time for myself. Time to be Erika. Gash. I can't wait for this month to be over. Not that I won't work next month, it's just that I won't work at Grönan and I will have more control over when I work. So then I can better coordinate both school and work. And hopefully I'll have some time to breath and not feeling like I am going to have a stroke or a heart attack every five second. (I feel like that might be a possibility because I am too fucking stressed every single day.) your writer, Erika


Hi guys! How are you? I am good. I had some time after school so I decided to go home and relax. I haven't done much productive. I mean that is if you don't count eating lunch and doing laundry. LOL. I kind of have to hurry now because I have to work tonight but I get off at 7 PM so yeeah! I mean. I can actually have fun tonight. LOL. Fun for me to night will equal me on the couch watching netflix. your writer, Erika

Chilin' & Relaxing

The course information lecture that I went to didn't take as long as I thought. So I went and bought myself some new boots for fall. I wanna look stylish. your writer, Erika

Busy As A Bee

Good morning everyone! God why am I up this early when I have don't have to be at work until 2:45 PM? But, I have school. It's time to get that bachelors. It's just annoy that I can't go home straight after I have been at the university. I have to work. I have some time in-between but I don't know if it's worth going home for maybe maximum an hour. Hmm. Well well. Hopefully it won't take that long time in school so I might have time to go home and relax for a bit before I have to go to work. your writer, Erika

Princess Nails

Hi guys! How are you? I am good. I have ben home all day long but I have been busy busy busy as a little bee. I threw away my moms' desk because I don't want it and she said that she would do it. Since she didn't I just did myself. I did my nails when I came home last night. Finally I have pretty nails! I feel like a little princess. Hihihihi. Let's see how long they will last since I am working tomorrow. Ouch?! They look so pretty and I feel so pretty. your writer, Erika