Go Green

Here is a few go green tip: 1) Recycle - recycling is one of the most eastiest thing in the world. Put up different bins and mark them. You can mark one as paper, one as hard plastic, soft plastic and one as metall (and so on). If it says paper on a bin don't throw plastic in it.
          If a product is both plastic and paper - like a paper pack with a plastic cork, take off the pastic cork and throw it in the bin marked with plastic and the paper pack in the bin marked with paper.
         2) Reuse - reuseing is also very easy. If you buy a drink in a plastic bottle you can save the bottle and fill it with water or something else you like to drink (or you can just recycle the bottle and get money for it :).
         3) Reduse - do you have the TV, computer and radio (NOT free streaming from a website) on at the same time? Well, do you really need it. Maybe you do, but you are waiting alot of energy. On the computer you have everything you want (almost :) so turn off the TV and the radio and listen to the radio on you computer insead. You can also watch you favorite shows on the internet. Here is a great website that you can watch movies and TV shows: http://www.flickpeek.com/.

xoxo, Erika


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