I Can Always Try To Do Better

Hi guys! Sorry that I have been so m.i.a. lately but I have just been really busy at work. Not completely true. YES, I have been busy at work so I really haven't had much time for anything else. But I had three days off this week which was really nice and now I work tonight and then I have two days off again. Pretty sweet. Like I had three days off, work all day yesterday and now tonight and then I have two days off again. Gash! LOL. I am gonna try do do a better job at updating. Also I am so sorry that I have posted anything from Alena. I mena screen shots and pictures from when we were shooting. Well, there are some on my instagram but I mean like more stuff. It's now off SVTPlay and sorry in case you missed it but you don't have to be super duper sad because it will be in theaters. I don't know when I just know that it will. Funny thing though. I saw the producer of Alena at Gröna Lund where I work. That was fun.

Now on a more serious not... I am have fallen in love! Yes you read that right! I have fallen in love with the most beautiful bag from ZARA. OMG it's fucking gorgeous! I L-O-V-E it! Just look at it. It's a beaut! I had to go to three different stores to find it. When I got to the first store and looked all over and had given up all hope (even on life itself) there it was. Just laying there with a bunch of pants. Hehehe. Now it's mine all mine.

your writer, Erika


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