Hi guys! I have to go to work soon but I thought I do a super quick post before that. How are you? I am okay I guess. I only slept about an hour and half last night. I just had a lot on my mind that I couldn't stop thinking about. I am glad I got some sleep at least. It's going to be interesting to see how today goes since I have a long day at work ahead of me.

I went and saw Magic Mike XXL with Fanny last night. It was weird having out with her because we have barley spoken or seen each other in a few months. But it was fun going to see the movie. IA NOT GOING TO SPOIL IT FOR ALL OF Y'ALL WHO HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET! I am keeping my mouth shut. All I am going to say it that it is way better than the first movie and you will not be disappointed when you do go and see it. So SEE IT!

your writer, Erika


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