G.I Joe: Rise Of The Cobra

OMG! I saw G.I Joe: Rise Of The Cobra today and OMG I love it. I have to get it on DVD when it comes out! The movie is so action packed that you just can't turn your head away. It is impossible I tell you! Impossible! Every single scene makes me just wanting more and more and more and more and more and - yeah you get the picture. It is the best movie I have seen all year. It is even better then Harry Potter! (If I ever wrote that Harry Potter 6 was the best movie I have vere seen (which I seem to do with every new movie I see, don't take me seriously because most of the time I don't mean it) I didn't mean it. It is a good movie but not that good.) I have three favotite movies, 1) G.I Joe Rise Of The Cobra, 2) Iron Man and number 3) Hot Chick.
At the premiere (GIJROTC, which is today) I got a carabinet torch. It is so cool. I am going to attach it to my keychain. One thing hit me when I was watching the movie that Channing Tatum has played two (of what I know of) characters named Duke in She's The Man (which I watched on DVD last night) and G.I Joe: Rise Of the Cobra. I love both of the movie. Especially when he takes of his shirt!
But, no, seriously (it hit me earlier today that I say that alot and it me that I also use it hit me alot, funny!) go and see G.I Joe Rise Of The Cobra as soon as you can! You have to! Promise me! Pleeeeeeeeeease!
The only thing I have gotten on my mind right now is G.I Joe: Rise Of The Cobra, I noticed it just a second a when I was about to search for something online and wrote G.I insted of was I was about to search.
Did you know that the movie had a fake working title in the USA first. Dark Sky: First Strike. First Strike does't that just scream sequel! Wich the movie does to. It is just so.... unexplainable. Go and see it right away!

your writer, Erika.

reminder to myself: do youtube 20 questions tomorrow!

.p.s. Want to hear my new favorite song? Click here!


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