Legen... wait for it... dary

How I Met Your Mother (or as I sometimes say Hur Jag Träffade Din Mamma = swedish for, yeah I think you know) is absoultely my all-time favorite TV show. At first when it started airing in 2005 (I have to admit) I hated it. I swicthed channel eveytime that show was on TV. I could screem stuff like "Why is this TV show on. I don't like it!" or "Noooooooooooooooo! Not again!"
Those days are over (thank god that I realised what a great TV show HIMYM is)! The thing I screem to the TV now is "OMG, How I Met Your Mother is on! How I Met Your Mother switch the fucking channel!" and then I start shakeing (no I don't!).
All those websites mentioned on show are real (all the websites aren't real any more but most of them). I read that on wikipeadia today (I love you wikipeadia - your my source for everything).
Barney's blog is real. You can visit it here. The website Ted Mosby is a jerk is real. Just check it out. Aslo Swarley.com. You can read about the history of the name. It is so cool. I love Barney Stinson (damn why aren't you real LOL). This is also a website about Lily and Marshalls wedding with pictures and videos. So cool. I love that website.
Mysterious DrX and Barneys video resume are also real. I love the song Barney don't sing in his viedo resume (it is so obvious that it is him).
The Wedding Bride Movie and Canadian sex acts (totally harmless, nor weird things here) are also real.
The last one is slapcountdown.com. But that is just a free "fanclub".

your writer, Erika.


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