
I am sorry that I haven't blogged so much in the last few days but I have been busy with college stuff. What have you been doing the last few days? As I said I have been busy with college stuff. I have been trying to register for the SAT's. Oh em gee, I found out something horrible! If I want to apply to University of California I have to do not only one but TWO SAT subject test! First I thought that I was going to get out of doing the SAT's but NO. And now I have to take the SAT subject test. After this morning I am a little bit more inspired to take all of those tests.
          Let me tell you why: It snowed! Yeah I didn't want to believe it at first either. It is May it is not supposed to snow in May. I sure hope I get in to a school in Califronia where it doesn't snow in May (Don't get me wrong, it does not normally snow in May in Sweden. It just happened to do it today.).

your writer, Erika


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