Best of 2007 and hopes for 2008

First I just want to say something quick, Mikas video Love Today is top 58 on the top 100 2007. So, congrats to him for that! I have made a promise that won´t eat candy for a whole year. It´s probably going to be hard, but yeah I´ll make it. There will be a reward at the end. Yummy!
And now to the main things:
Best of 2007
If we start with me life and things I´ve done this year, things I think count as a "Best of 2007", we´ll probably start with Mika. You all know that that I am a total Mika freak. That´s kind of obvious. But now I am going to tell you something that may chock you: I HAVEN´T ALWAYS BEEN A MIKA FREAK! I know it chocks me to. Here´s the story: What first got me into Mika was his song Grace Kelly. I loved that song (and I do love it now as well). But the as the song/video got more and more popular the the radio stations played it all the time and so did MTV. So you know, I got kind of bored and tired of the whole Mika thing. So every time one if his videos got played on MTV I switched to an other channel. But then he released new singles and I admit that I liked them a bit and thought that they were a bit catchy, until they got played on the radio and MTV all the time. I remember this summer when me and a couple of friends were going to Gröna Lund (it´s like Disneyland but alot lot lot smaller) and we were sitting in the car. One of my friends had Mikas CD (Life In Cartoon Motion) and she asked if it were OK if we listen to the CD. Everyone were like, "OK! Sure. Let´s put it on!", except me. I was like "OMG! What a geek! I can´t believe that she likes Mika.", I didn´t say it out loud I just thought so. So they put the CD on and as the first song got played was like how am I going to survive this. But as the second song came along , Lollipop, I was like "hey, this song is pretty good.". I really liked it. I kept on liking it because, he had not released as a single so the song never got played on the radio and MTV. Well, yeah now he has released it as a single, but not at the time. Oh, I forgot to say that when i first heard the song Relax, take it easy I hated it. But now I love it! Now to the time I started liking him: The same week as the MTV´s Europe Music Awards 2007 were I saw a Mika on MTV (it were like an interview) and I just wow the man is HOT! At first I just didn´t want to admit that I taught so because hated him in the past. That´s why I wrote about him as cute at first and not hot. That´s how I really "fell in love with" Mika. Oh, I also remember that a week before Mikas concert in Sweden I visited his website and checked the tour plan. First I saw that he was going to have concerts in Norway and Denmark and I was like "He can take his as all the way to Norway and Denmark, but he can´t take it all the was to Sweden", so I got a bit mad. But when I looked a bit closer I saw that he was coming to Sweden next friday. I went like "OMG! I got to go!". I asked my mom and she was like "I don´t know". This was on friday so on monday , the same week as the concert, I said to my friends that Mikas was having a concert here in Sweden on friday and then Maja was like "Oh, maybe I could asked my mom if I could go ´cause he kind of good.". I was super nice to my mom so she would let me go and I asked Maja and told her to ask her mom. When it finally got officially I just screamed and jumped up and down ´cause I was so damn happy!! We actually bought the tickets the day before the concert and when I finally held them in my hand I was so happy that I actually kissed them! crazy, uh!
The next thing on the list is probably , oh, what can it be, the next thing is probably my birthday. I love birthday even if you always don´t get what you want. It´s just fun, I love it.
The next thing is probably Gwen Stefani's concert. I remember when I found that she were supposed to have the concert (10 months before the actual thing) I was like (and it was in march, and my birthday is in april) "oh, I know something that you can get me for my birthday; Tickets to Gwen Stefani's concert in october). The tickets got released at 19th of march. I was really glad when I got them, not as glad that I kissed them as I did with the Mika tickets.But I was happy.
if I would make top five the 4th and the 5th would probably be Göteborg (Guthenburg) and Liseberg and meeting Madde.
1. Mikas concert at Annexet in Stockholm, Sweden
2. My 14th birthday
3. Gwen Stefanis concert at Globen in Stockholm, Sweden
4. Göteborg and Liseberg
5. Meeting Madde for the first time

Here is my top 10 best videos of the year 2007:
1. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) - Mika

2. Love Today - Mika
3.Outta My Head - Ashlee Simpson
4. What Goes Around, Comes Around - Justin Timberlake
5. Long Road to Ruin - Foo Fighters
6. Hip Hop Police - Chamillionaire
7. Brother ,oh, brother - Måns Zelmerlöv
8. Girlfriend - Avril Lavinge
9. Piece of Me - Britney Spears
10. 2 Hearts - Kylie Minouge

Top 5 movies of the year 2007 (That I´ve seen this year):
1. Pirates of the Caribbean - At Worlds End
2. The Last Kiss
3. Ciao Bella
4. Stranger Then Fiction
5. Ett Öga Rött

Mika top videos 2007:
1. Love Today

2. Relax, take it easy (new)
3. Happy Ending
4. Grace Kelly
5. Big Girls (You Are Beautiful)
6. Lollipop
7. Relax, take it easy (old)

Mika top songs 2007:
1. Erase
2. How Much Do You Love Me
3. Any Other World
4. Ring Ring
6. Relax, Take It Easy
7. Stuck in the Middle
8. My Interpretation
9. Happy Ending (Over My Shoulder)
10. Billy Brown
11. Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)
12. Grace Kelly
13. Love Today
14. Holy Johnny
Why I love Mika:
He is hot, he ´s strange, colorful. He has a nice smile. Has a cool voice. His clothes. It´s hard to just bring up everything I love about that man. I love everything about him, he´s just so lovely, sweet and cool. I wish i could meet him some day and I wish I knew him. I will never forget his concert in Stockholm. It was unbelievable! I love all the new songs. Can´t wait for a new CD. The Love Today and "muppet" show was unbelievable. Everything was incredible. I cant´describe it in words. I LOVE YOU MIKA!!!

Somethings I am exited about for 2008:
Jesse McCartney's new CD and Ashlee Simpson's new CD. Arvikafestivalen 2008.
Gwen Stefani's new CD. My 15th birthday of course!! Just a great year!!
This blog entry is probably the longest one I´ve ever written so far.

Happy New Year and best wishes from your writer, Erika


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