Uh, uh I am sick! Boo huu, you whore!!
Öhhh, I am serioulsy sick today! Poor me. I have a cold and sore throat. Not funny. I am home from school too. Mom said I didn't had to go tomorrow too. Well, then I have time to do some homework. Yeah, or not. I hate homework!! Don't you? right now I am listening to the Hannah Montana 2 cd. I love that cd. There are so many great songs on it! Oh, I want the cd with the songs from the first season! they are all so great (the songs). I wish I could be a singer and an actress. Well me and my friend, Towe are thinking about seek to Top Model (here in Sweden). I hope we get in, if we do send in a tape!!! Don't you hope that for us? Hope we do. If you live in Chicago, Minneapolis, Vanouver and San Francisco and like Mika listen to this: Hello! If you think you've got the energy, pizzazz and moves to be a Lollipop Girl then come show us your stuff. We're looking for 2 Lollipop girls to dance onstage with MIKA during the hit single "Lollipop" at his upcoming conc...