Today me and my friend, Towe, got to hold a PE class for some kids. The kids were about 4 years younger then us. It was really fun and the kids said the they had fun. Hope we get to do it again soon! Wish us good luck!
Right now I am doing homework and I am listening to Nicole Scherzinger song Baby Love. Oh, I wanted to post a picture if Shia LaBeouf that I have but then I remembered that I said to my self that I wouldn´t post any pictures or videos until the page is only filled with text! But I will keep it!! You will see that I will. Sorry that I didn´t wrote so much this time, but I have to go!

LP baby from your writer Erika *puss på er allihoppa*

Josh Duhamel and Shia LaBeouf are H-O-T, HOT!!!!


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