Nobel (or whatever is going on in my life)

Oh, today Mika finally accepted my friend request on MySpace. Well, I sent one over a week ago. OK, maybe a week ago. But Miley Cyrus and Hilary Duff accepted the same day!!! Which was yesterday. Well, Mika has only accepted my music MySpace! But he has accepted which is the only thing that really matters!! Or what do you think!! Hehe!!
Oh, I didn't get nominated in Nobel, :(!! Well, it´s sad that I didn´t get nominated, but yeah there were like 11 other people that also had literature. There were this guy in my class (who is like the smartest guy in our class) who had medicine and he DIDN´T get nominated. He started crying because he didn´t get nominated! But my friend Agnes did (in medicine)!!! So cheers for her!! She has a blog too but I don remember the URL, so I´ll have to post the link tomorrow then!!
Tomorrow we have a maths test! BLÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ! It sucks!! We have tests all the fucking ´time. I am getting sick of it!! One had one last week, we have one this week and one next week and the one after that! I AM GETTING SICK OF IT!!! BLÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ!!!

Je t´amie Mika
Depuis êre écrivian, Erika


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