What To Do About 2013

Hi guys it's 2013 (apparently the first years since 1987 to have four different numbers, when I thin about it it's true - mind blowing I guess, haha). So far this year hasn't been exciting for me. Guess I'll have to change that. X Factor? Hahaha, a big NO on that one. Well, I mean if I want to make a complete and utterly embarrassment of myself then, yeah. I mean, I am not a singer (I might have the passion for something like that and I probably give it my all). Let me explain with different words, I can't sing. Sad but what can you do about it? The fact that I can't sing doesn't change that I go around singing all the time. Not all the time but often. I want to do something exciting this year like my friend Matilda. She's officially trying out for America's Next Top Model. I mean people who go after their dreams, do what they really believe in lit the light in me and make me want to do big things (even do I always want to do big thing). I don't feel like I have done something big yet in my life. I mean some might say that Cali was a huge thing and I guess so but I don't know since I am not going to finish school there as it looks right now (I mean get a bachelor's or even an AA degree), it's just something, I mean a great life experience. One that I am lucky to have.

OMG! The United States has made me cheap! Yes. Everything is so expensive here (compared to the United States). Last week I had a large chai latte at Espresso House and it cost 38 kr (if I remember it correctly). 38 kr, that's a freaking robbery! Hahaha (I sound like an old hag). In the US (at Starbucks) I could get a tall coffee or some other beverage and a pastry for about 35 kr. 3 kr less. Yeah, you get used to certain prices. I remember Lisa (my last host mom, the only normal one) saying that Whole Foods is expensive but I didn't think that, I mean not compared to swedish grocery prices. I mean then they were quite normal. Yeah.

So, it's time for me to think of something to do, other then school that will say (which does not sound appealing especially in this country where the weather isn't as good as in Cali. In Cali you always dress as it was summer, I mean 'cause it kind of was - is, whatever).

your writer, Erika


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