
Showing posts from May, 2017

Breathing Technique

Hello! I am sitting here on my couch watching Ghostbusters (the new one 2016). Gosh that show is good. Way better than the movie! The movie is great though but the show is greater. I thought about something earlier that I just have to share with you. It's about finding a good breathing technique while working out. Okay this one is more for right after when you've finished your workout. So you know how right after you finished a heavy workout you breath very heavy because you're exhausted from what you just put your body through. It can sometimes take a while before you can breath like normal again. My tip is that when you have finished your workout you take long and death breaths. This will force your body to breath like this and it will slow your heart rate down way faster. You won't feel so out of breath and tired after a workout if you do it. This will give you back the energy that you put out during your workout. Try this and let me know if it works for you! ...

Hit Me Up!

Hello everyone!  I hope that you are all alright! I just wanted to let you all know that I am always open for collaborations. Don't be shy to contact me if you have a collaboration that you want tontalk to me about. You can always hit me up here or instagram ( @eriikaworld ) or twitter ( @erikaworld ). The best way might be if you send me an old fashioned email @     So what are you waiting for?! I am waiting for your email! your writer, Erika

What About The Protein?

I am a vegetarian and I have been since I was in my early teens. It started because I all of the sudden didn't like the taste of meat. But then I went over to eating chicken/ turkey and fish/ seafood. Now I don't eat any meat at all. I am almost vegan. But I don't have any problem eating food that contains dairy or eggs. That's the one thing that holds me back from actually going full on vegan. Or the thing is more that I eat regular yoghurt with granola for breakfast and I just haven't found any vegan yoghurt that I like. First, I I like natrual non-flavored yoghurt because that stuff contains no chemical ingredients. Second, vegan yoghurt, even natrual non-flavored vegan yoghurt, contains a lot of chemical ingredients to make it as similar as regular dairy yoghurt. I just don't want that in my body. The day I find chemical free vegan yoghurt at the gorcery store I'll buy it and become a vegan. But I didn't start this post to tell you about my diet. I...

Looking Hot While Getting Hot

I definitely do not have enough workout clothes! It's an issue because I have to wash the ones that I have all of the time. Enough for me would be if I had at least seven pairs of gymshorts/ yogapants and seven sport bras (yeah, I only workout in a sport bra because I get annoyed and uncomfortable if I wear a t-shirt over that because I get too hot). Now when it's starting to get a little bit warmer outside I like to wear shorts instead of tights. Sometimes when I do yoga it's nice to wear tights because it's not as sweaty. Don't get me wrong. Yoga is a great workout but it's not as intense as cardio. Okay, that can depend on what kind of yoga you do, because there are like millions different types of yoga out there. A friend once said that she doesn't think that it's necessary to have a bunch of fancy workout clothes because you are going to sweat in them either way. True but there are a bunch of brands that sell really nice workout clothes at a low p...

Positive Thinking

When I wake up in the mooring there are three things that I do to make sure I have good day and stay in a positive mood all day. First of all I up and out of bed when my alarm rings. I don't snooze or try and get a few extra minutes in bed. I get out of bed and start getting ready for work. Why? As nice as it would be to snooze an extra half hour I would have to stress so much to get ready and to be at work on time. That would actually put me in a bad mood and that's not what I want. Side story, I actually forgot to set my alarm a few weeks ago and hurried my best not to miss the train that I usually take. I actually made it. But just because I got to work on time when I overslept 30 minutes doesn't mean that I am going to start setting my alarm 30 minutes later. Stressing every morning to get ready in time is never a good way to start your day. Second, I look in the mirror and smile. That is also something that I do if I get really sad. I literally turn that frown u...


Hi, how are you all doing? I am good. I am just sitting in bed right now watching some shows. Hahaha, some things never change. I actually bought a new moisturiser yesterday. An oil free moisturiser with spf 15. Now I don't have do be scared of getting skin cancer in my face. Btw, spf is a really good way of being proactive against wrinkles! your writer, Erika


Last week in Spain I burned my skin in the sun. I think that it was that because what else would it be. I got tiny little bumps on my skin. I googled it and said it was something else but I think that it could have been because of the sun since I didn't put on enough lotion. Okay I didn't start this post to tell you all about me being irresponsible and not putting on enough sun lotion (maybe a little). This post is for us all to get a little more educated about the importance of using sun lotion.  The more times you get burned the more likely you are to get skin cancer when you're older. When you buy sun lotion there are three things that you need to make sure of: It has to protect against both UVA and UVB sun rays. It HAS to be water resistent. (Okay well it doesn't have to be but then you need to put on lotion after every time you have been in contact with water.) You have to make sure that it has immediate effect. You know that you have to put on sun loti...

Abs For Days

Hello! So I think that I have been a little bad at giving you workout tips. I don't know why. I kind of feel like I have talked about it all with you. That is not true. Or I mean there is always a new health craze coming every day. If you are just creative enough you can always find a way to make your workouts more effective. Today I thought that I would share my best ab workouts. What kinds of exercises can you do to get that flat, toned and ab stomach? Note: these tips that I am giving you are from my own perspective and what works for me. Hopefully it will work for you as well. 1. Did you know that when you do the plank you are actually using all of the muscles in your at once? You have to hold in your stomach while you do this for it to actually work. I do this every day. I do it for eight minutes. Two minutes of the plank, rest 15 seconds and then repeat three times. 2. Another great ab workout is the bicycle crunch, criss cross crunch or whatever you like to call ...


I see the weekends as time to catch up on my sleep. That is actually what I did last night, I fell asleep and that is why I didn't post anything. I was going to post something after dinner but I fell asleep and then I was just too tired to post anything. But yeah sleep is something I really value. I try get at least 8h of sleep every night. I try which means that most of the time I don't. I probably get closer to 7h. I mean that is if you count the hours from when I go to bed and when my alarm rings in the morning. I usually wake up a few times during the night. It's annoying but somehow I seem to survive. I have stopped looking at the watch when I wake up. But it's like Christmas Eve when you do and you still have like five hours left until. Ahhh, the sweet little things that we live for. Hahahaha. If you are like me and have trouble sleeping, here are a few tips for better sleep: 1. You should start to relax at least two hours before you are going to sleep....


I know that I have talked about this before but it is a really important issue I am going to bring it up again. Being healthy is not just about eating right and exircising. It is also about being happy. Healthy = mind + body + soul. To be 100% healthy you need to find a good balance between the three. Remember that.   Me at the bull fighting arena in Ronda, Spain your writer, Erika

Did You Know....

Did you know that if you have back pains sitting down can actually make it worse? Instead you should stand up or lay on your side. Try that the next time that your back hurts. your writer, Erika

First Time In Five Years

Hello there! I am back in Sweden again but I am already missing Spain. I am sittning here thinking of when I can go on a vacation again and where. Sweden is an absolute great country but the weather I don't get what went wrong there?! I promised you guys a report on how it went working out at the gym in Marbella. It went really well considering I haven't worked out in a gym in like five years. Now I know a whole lot more about fitness so I knew what to do to get the exircise that I wanted. It felt really good to workout the gym there which made me think that maybe that's what I need to do instead of doing those youtube videos. I have to look in to that.   The gym at the hotel was very small and didn't have lot of machines but they still had the basics. I focused on cardio and my butt and thighs. First I did 30 minutes on the treadmil and after that I did I focused on my thighs and did three sets of 10 reps with 10kg. Before I went on to my butt I took a little break...

Viva Espana

Yesterday was amazing! We were out until late and then I had to pack my suite case because we are going home today. First we had a long seminar and after that we went up to mountains and visited a beautiful city called Ronda. So gorgeous! Even though Ronda is not that far from Marbella it still took about an hour to get there. We had to drive on these small mountain roads to get there. If you get car sick easily you might want to skip Ronda. Though it would be really sad to miss it while you are here.     The view over Marbella on the way up to Ronda was just something else! It makes you realise how mighty mother nature really is! At one point the buss driver (the most skilled buss driver ever) pointed to the horizon where you could see a mountains in the far distance and said Africa. Omg that was so cool! You could also se Mount Gibraltar! Just wow!     Well up in Ronda we went on a three hour tour of the city. First I was just no that ain't going to work becaus...


Today I am writing from sunny and beautiful Marbella in Espana! Hola mi amigos! It is like being back in Santa Barbara with the mountains, this beautiful Spanish architecture and the incredible weather! I never want to leave! NEVER! I realise that I do have to book a trip somewhere this summer. Though Patti and I are going to Rome in September. I can't wait for that.     Just because I am on vacation don't think that I will skip my healthy ways. Okay I had churro for breakfast (because they had it at the breakfast buffé and I have never tried it before). But I also had some healthier alternatives. Since I do work out as much as I do and am as healthy as I am my body can afford to eat a little unhealthy once in a while. They have do have a gym here so I plan on hitting that later. I haven't worked out in a gym in ages so it's going to be interesting but I plan on giving you a full report on it.     But ciao (I know that's Italian) for now because I going enjoy ...

Did You Know...

Did you now that peppers contain more vitamin C than oranges? 100g of red and yellow peppars contain about 250% vitamin C (RDI) and green peppers contain about 150%. While oranges and lemons only contain 66%. Even kale contain more vitamin C than oranges and lemons. 100g of kale contains 150% vitamin C (RDI). That is crazy and kind of mind blowing to me. Seriously a lot of vegetable contain more than 100% per 100g of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. I heard this a few months ago at work and before I would never had guessed it! I mean.... lemons for example are so sour so just, I don't know but I just would have guessed that they contain more vitamin C. MIND BLOWN! Hahaha. your writer, Erika

My Favorites

So I have been looking at houses in LA because a girl can dream, right?! The prices though, yikes! Expensive! I mean I would never pay anything like that for an apartment or a house in Stockholm. But then again they aren't as expensive here as they are on the other side of the pond. Today I want to share with you my favorite mosturisers. I have dry skin so a good moisturisers is very very essential to me. I have tried many over the years. Right now I have a couple that works really well. Dove DermaSpa goodness What I love about the this body lotion is that it not only makes your skin feel incredibly soft is that it also smells amazing! I get compliments on it all of the time. And who doesn't love compliments?! Especially when someone tells me that I smell good because that is so unexpected. You can get it pretty much anywhere. Just check your local grocery store and I am sure that they'll have it! Neutrogena Visibly Clear oil-free moistrisers Okay yes I do ...

Femme Fatale

Sorry for no post last night! But I do have a good excuse for not posting anything because I was at the opening night of Ariana Grande's Dangerous Woman Tour Europe here in Stockholm! Omg it was so amazimg and cudos to Ariana for singing live! It is so disapointing when you go to a concert and the artist isn't singing live but Ari did!!! I realised something yesterday that I four years ago was at a concert at the same arena. Funny! It was One Direction on their Take Me Home Tour . Omg I am so much better looking now! Thank God for that! But that was a great concert too. Four years ago at 1D's Take Me Home Tour at Friends Arena I didn't take too many pictures yesterday because I like to enjoy the concert with my own eyes and not through a screen.   It was a magical evening! I had so much fun and thank you mom for this Christmas present! What wasn't so great was that I had to stand in line for like 20 minutes at the merch stand. It was cold and windy and...

Cardio Vs. Strength

Hello! Tonight I am going to bring up the big old question cardio vs strenght workout? What burns the most calories? Which one is just better/ will give you better results? To answer the last question, I have to say that really depends on what your goal is. This is so individual! Personally I think a combination of both is the best. If you want a lot of muscle the strenght workout is the one for you. If you want to be the next Usain Bolt the cardio is what you should focus more on. Again so individual! I do a combination of both. My cardio routine is a mix if cardio and a strenght workout. Even my yoga routine as some strenght exircises. The question that I can more easily answer for you is: Which one burn the most calories?! The answer is both actually. Cardio burn the most calories during a session and strenght will help your body burn more calories after a session (meaning when you for example just laying on the couch doing absolutely nothing). Since strenght workout will help...

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Home Sweet Home

I AM BACK!! Yes y'all I am back here. Yes I have been absent here for a very long time. Too long. I don't know why because it was going really well. But I started to miss blogging so I decided to try out an other platform. I don't that didn't feel like home, so now I am back here. This is home though.  I am still going to blog about fitness and a healthy lifestyle because that is who I am. So what am I up to now?  I just got started a new job about two months ago. I work as a secretary at a law firm. It is a really nice job and really nice colleagues. I am really looking forward to this new start! I think that we are going to have a lot of fun together! your writer, Erika