Feeling Empowered

Despite everything I have actually had a good day. I mean what has happened and that I have school between 8 am and 5:05 pm but my FS 101 professor often lets us leave early. You know that I take to acting classes, right? Anyway if you don't now you do, and yeah, I do. They're so much fun because they are not like your typical class. You are more interactive with the other students. (Duh, it's an acting class). I mean not forced behind a desk with a book and assignments. It's not just you and thoughts, it's you and everyone it the class thoughts.

I am the quiet type. Doesn't mean I don't have alot to say (basically the opposite), just that I tend to be by myself for some reason. Unless I know, then I am talkative. Not always, I just feel more comfortable talking to you if I know you. Do you get what I am saying?

In my first acting class of the day - Beginning Acting - I had to do an improve scene with a guy (who totally cute) in the class. Our professor set up the situation and we had to go from there. The situation was I had going on vacation but my supervisor was going to need me for that time I was going on vacation. We played it out that I was going to follow Justin Bieber on tour (I made that up) and that him wanting me to work when I was supposed to go on vacation would really mess things up for me. Yeah, anyway the whole thing ended with me (my character) getting fired.

After that I had an other acting class - Intermediate Acting. Oh my gosh, I was nervous for today's class because we had to have had memorized a monologue. I was like (in my head) "No, I am not a good actress!", "I am going to stumble, I am going to forget!", "Mommy help!". I really undermined myself. the whole thing went really good. I was nervous going up in front of everyone, 'cause some people are really good. Then Robin and Lydia (who has actually been on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, search for Ellen Loves Her Fans on youtube, she's the girl with long hair crying)  - two girls in the class - started commenting my shoes, saying they're cute. Then someone said that they could just comment me instead of me doing my monologue. (At the time it would have worked for me). I did my monologue. I did alright, yeah I stumbled one time. (Did I mentioned the we were being filmed? No? Well, we were.) Overall I did really good, I think - I mean by remembering what to say. I felt really empowered afterwards and proud of myself for doing it. After everyone did their monologue (I was the last one) we watched the performances. After watching my performance, Catherine turned to me and said that I was a really good bitch. Just to make it clear, I played the character in my performance bitchy. It was really fun doing! I got applause after my I did my monologue.

So, yeah. I am just trying to stay positive in despite of everything. About three months left (of this shit), One Direction and Jessie J on iTunes festival next week, Justin Bieber concert on less than a month and tomorrow I am having lunch with Malin. I am trying to keep myself focused on that instead of everything and December 14th or 15th (I haven't deiced which day I am leaving yet, probably will by the end of the week).

your writer, Erika


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