Home Remedies

Hello chicas and chicos and every one else! Today has basically been the same as yesterday. Me, the couch and Teen Mom OG (which I finished watching today). Yup. I went to the grocery store though. I am starting to feel a little better though. I think it's the excessive water drinking. Gosh, I drink a lot of water other wise but now that I am sick I drink water like all of the time. It is one of the best home remedies. I promise you! Raw garlic is also a really good home remedy. You can either chew a glove of raw garlic but you do get really bad garlic breath from that. So you can do it like me instead and chop it up in to tiny pieces and just swallow those pieces with the help of a glass of water. Just like you would swallow an aspirin. Eating raw garlic while you're sick is the best home remedy and really speeds up your recovery! And water! Always water, which you should drink a lot of any way. Garlic is just one of those things that is also really easy to include in your cooking. Lemon water! Yes, it is really good to drink a glass of lemon water every morning to start your day. I cleanses your body on the inside and wake up your organs. These are really easy things to do to stay healthy, so there is really no way to not be healthy! The best thing is every thing is organic but if you can't afford that the your still pretty freaking healthy.

So I got a little craving for some chocolate because I saw some Marabou adds on facebook. But I don't feel like treating the grocery store for an other visit today. So I thought "what do I have at home?". So I decided to make a little mini mudcake. Even though I made one I still had to use my cupcake tin that holds 12 cupcakes. Lol.

your writer, Erika


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