A Miracle Worker

Hello and good morning everyone! How are you this Monday morning? The US presidential election is tomorrow, exciting! Any of you Europeans that are staying up to see who wins? I don't know I might. It's just that I need my sleep and I have work the next day. Well well. Either way this election is very exciting.

So a couple of weeks ago I blogged about the benefits of turmeric (you can read about it here). One of the things that I mentioned was that turmeric is very good for your skin. How it can increase your skins elasticity and whiten scars. I have tried putting turmeric on my face to see if it really works and IT DOES! I used to have wrinkles under my eyes and they're gone now. Not kidding! My colleague even said the my skin looks more even. I am so happy that it works! This is so amazing. I have nor before and after pictures (which is really bad of me) so you are just going to have to take my word for it. One thing though about turmeric is that it yellow and often used in cooking to the food a wonderful yellow color. So if you want to use turmeric use it on your face at night before bed. ALWAYS wash your face afterwards so that you won't be yellow-ish. I just use dried grounded turmeric on my face for about 5-15 minutes and then just wash it of. Try it and you will see results!

Have a good day :)

your writer, Erika


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