STHLM Food & Wine

Hello! Sorry for not posting anything yesterday but I was busy living my life. Hahaha. My mom was here over the weekend so we went to STHLM Food & Wine yesterday and after that we went shopping. I bought a new pair of pant because I really need new pants. But I didn't just buy any pants I bought jeans! I never wear jeans so we'll see how much I'll actually use these. Nah I am kidding because I look great in them and the feel great.

I had really fun at the convention. I bought a cookbook, and a couple of kitchen cleaning products. I am sorry that I didn't take more pictures but I was trying to stay in the moment. Idk, but like went I saw Justin Bieber last month I didn't take a lot of pictures because it was way more fun being there that experiencing the concert through the camera lens on my phone. The same with with STHLM Food & Wine. Just that particularly in life. I think that it's way more fun to experience the moment right then and there than just taking a bunch of pictures and experience the whole thing afterwards through the pictures.

Anyway, the convention was amazing. There was a bunch of different cool things. Risenta sampled their new seaweed and chickpea balls. They were so delicious and they showed you different ways you could serve it. Unlike falafels that are made of chick peas these seaweed and chick pea balls were not dry at all. They were actually really soft.

your writer, Erika


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