JB is burning up

OK, the CD-signing with the Jonas Brothers at Bengans is the SAME DAY AS THE CONCERT! That means that I have to be there really early so I can get to the venue and get in the in front of the line. The CD-signing starts at around 3pm. I went to the store today and asked them when it was. Here's a video of me trying to get tickets to the concert (that plan didn't work):

I found a really funny video on youtube of the JorBros when they are preforming in Mexico and some girls run up on stage. The first girl runs up and hug Nick and he acts like nothing happened and the second girl tries to hug Kevin when is about to do his famous guitar spin. It get a little weird because he stops to spin because of the girl! Just watch the video:

Here's another video of a new song from their new record "A Little Bit Longer" the song is called Burning Up (it's my fav song right now):

an other video with the same song (can't get enough of it)


I hope you like this song as much as I do now. I love the intro!

your writer, Erika.

note: the bruning up videos are from the When You Look Me In The Eyes 2008


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