Not so finally friday

Look at the card I made for my friend Madde last night. Isn't it pretty! I like and I'll hope she will. It's kind of girly and it gives you a happy feeling, summer that's what I think of when I see it.
Today it's friday. If it were a school week I would be happy, but now I am not because I have to go back to school on monday. But it's only seven weeks today until christmas break or winter break or whatever you guys in the english speaking world call it, but you know what I mean. The only good thing about today is that it's Aliens In America and Idol tonight. That's the only positive thing about tonight. Thank god for that!
Right now I am listening to some songs by Vanessa Hudgens and right now it's Let's Dance. You should listen to it, it's a great song!

your writer, Erika.


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