'Believe' Release Party

Yo, since I am between semesters right now. I am going to try to blog more, like everyday. I don't know about what do. Yeah probably just the everyday stuff that I do.

So what everyday stuff do I do. Hmmmm. Well, one thing that I have done this week except graduating from high school is that I have been to the release party for Justin Bieber's new cd Believe, which actually came out yesterday. In Sweden anyway. I took my friend Linda. I kind of made her go. No, I didn't force her or anything I just told her about the party and she said "Sure, why not." It was kind of fun, though I would have preferred DJ Tay James to DJ the party instead of the woman that did. LOL, no harm to UMG, it was a great party.

We had luck with the weather. I mean that it didn't rain when we were standing in line outside. Apparently it had rained because the ground was wet and Linda said that it had rained where she lives. Anyway, once we got inside the music was pumping. It was LOUD, a good kind of loud. If we wanted to say something to each other we had to scream into each others ears. That's how loud it was but it didn't bother me. UMG had a special message from Justin. So cool and I was hoping that there would be a message from Justin. Yeah!
It was fun, we got to walk the purple carpet, got goodie bags and hang out with other beliebers.

The DJ but she's wearing purple headphones so I guess that's ok ;p

They were playing music video and other Justin Bieber related video on two screen


Naww, don't I look cute. Hehe. My pants kind of look like pleggings, don't you think so?

I <3 Justin - of course!

You can ever say it enough!

Jasmine V!


The CD is amazing! All of you Swedish beliebers go and get it so that Justin will be on Svenska Albumlistan (or whatever it's called) on Thursday! Believe out now in Sweden :)

I wore the t-shirt yesterday XD

An other cute picture :)

Goodie bag hand out.....

your writer, Erika


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