Just My Luck

OMG! The creepiest thing happened to me today! OMG, asså! Okay, so I went to Kista Galleria today to do a mystery shopper observation at a store there and this man started following me. First he came up  to me and said I was cute and asked me where I was from when I looked at some facial products at Apoteket Hjärtat. There is nothing wrong with someone coming up to you and telling you that you're cute. I just said okay (what was going to say more then okay. I know I'm hot and it was not like he was some kind of rockstar hottie, more like a nottie. Yeah, I felt like barfing, maybe because he was so creepy.) and that I was from Sweden (duh, we're in Sweden dumb ass!). I just kept looking at stuff in the store hoping that he would get the hint and go away. Which to seem to have done, because when I turned to see if he was still there, he wasn't.

So, I went and did my observation. Which went great by the way (felt like typing it, no abriviations here). After that I was going to look at a headset for my mom to use when she's on Skype. Then all of the sudden he snuck of on me. Started asking for my phone number, my name and if we could do something some day. I told him no phone number, Anna and that I was moving to Australia (I don't want him to come and snatch me or whatever in Cali). He looked dissapointed and and said that he might have come and visit me then (?). Am I the only one freaking out here?! He also asked how old I was so I said 18 because I didn't want to reveal my real age but as soon as I said 18 I regreted that and wished I would have said 16 or 17 (I mean maybe he would have backed off because I would have been underage). He followed me into Kjell och Company and then into Expert. While at Expert (when I was just walking around the store trying to shake him) the grabbed my neck! Yeah, the creep touched me. He kept walking beside me like he knew me or something.

When I walked out of the store he asked of I wanted to get coffee or something else to drink. He also asked me if I wanted ice cream. PEDOPHILE, I AM NOT NOT A SIX YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL YOU CAN LURE WITH SOME SWEETS! Then while I texted my friend about the creep who was following me he told me so sit down beside him on a bench. I think he started getting that I wasn't interested (seriously, I was ready to call the cops - especially after he grabbed my neck) because he asked me if he was bothering me (did he seriously have to ask that I told him several times that I didn't want to hang out with him or give him my phone number). OMG!

Now, I am going to watch Just My Luck with my mom. Have a nice evening for all the creeps out there. Hmmm, I hope he was not some kind of crazy fan. Maybe I shouldn't be so open about my life, but what am I going to blog about then. Plus, I have the right to my own body. Just because I like to wear makeup and short shorts (it was hot today, kill me for not wanting to sweat like an idiot). Yeah, so I wore shorts but I wore a long sleeved top. I wasn't dressed like a street walker. Who cares if I weas, it still doesn't give him or anyone out there the right to my body.

As Lady B say's (sings) "We run the world girls!"

your writer, Erika


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