Tips To Future Professors

So. I don't know I thought I owed you a post today. I feel like people at home are going to leave me angry voicemail's otherwise (you know who you are, feel threatened).

So, that bitch of a FS 101 professor that I have seems to be less and less of a bitch after all. He was more laid back today. Here wore a t-shirt (yes, I know bitches can wear t-shirts too but you had to be there on Monday and today to know what I am talking about or maybe you just had to be me). LOL. Anyway, that thing that made him slightly less bitchier/ took away his bitch label was that he let us leave earlier, at about 3:50 PM instead of 5:05 PM. Haha, that is so me. If you are a professor who are reading this and you know that you might have me as a student in the future and you want to get on my good side here are some easy tips for you:
  1. Let me leave early everyday (Don't ever make me feel like I came to your class for nothing. So when I say "early" don't let me leave after 5 minutes. Also please inform me in forehand if there is no class on a certain day because of something.).
  2. Give me easy assignments (What?! You think that I like spending my afternoon, my evening and my night to do stuff that I know I am never going use in the future. Well, you my friend are wrong. Double u are ow en gee!)
Those are basically the two main things. The list is of course endless but at the moment my mind is somewhere else, I mean I can't think of something else at the moment.

your writer, Erika


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