
Yo, wassup?! Nah, just chillin' in my bed watching What Happens In Vegas on FX. Today I have been shopping (as usual), but nothing for me this time. Okay, that's not entirely true, hehehe. I just bought myself some essentials. A pair of gloves (because it is cold when I am getting to school in the morning),  TSA locks for my new suitcase and a spatula (for some reason, it's pink and looks like a pig). The not-for-me stuff was three post cards and two Christmas presents. One for my friend Linda and my mom. OMG, Linda's present is so awesome that she's gonna freak out, well she has too. I don't know, otherwise I will feel unappreciated (JK). My moms present is cool to. I hope that she likes it. The same thing there.

OMG, I bought the most delic' ice cream today! Häagen Dazs peppermint bark. It's a limited edition, but why?! It tastes so good! Yum, yum, yum! Want more, well there is more, in the fridge but I can't just hose it down like a pig.

your writer, Erika


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