A Call Away

Hi guys. Watchadoin'? Nah, Imma just sitting here watching TV. Finished my homework about half an hour or so. Wold have gotten more done but, I had to go downtown to Paseo Nuevo and T-mobile (which is pronounced t-moble, incae you didn't know). Yeah, I had planned a study day at home but no fucking T-Moble (that was on purpose) had blocked my phone for some reason. Yeah, I tried to calling their customer support but all I got was this stupid computer voice. Eff them! But yeah, I went to t-moble (on purpose again) and I got my problem solved. I mean seriously how could they just block my phone without telling me? I couldn't call or text anyone and no one could call or text me! WTF?!

I talked to my mom this morning as I usally do and after I talked to her I called Annika. I was nice talking to her. We haven't spoken since August. That's a long time. We talked for a good 20 minutes or so. I have unlimited calls to landlines in the world through Skype, so I thought I just call and see if anyone was home. I complained that I thought the weather was cold here. Compared to Sweden it's not cold, it's warm and in general it's warm.

your writer, Erika


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