Happy 21

So it's my birthday! Yeah! I have had a good birthday so far (I mean the day is not over so pretty much anything can still happen). I got breakfast in bed by my mom and the dogs. During the day I didn't do much. I just returned a the movies that I rented last weekend. I do go out to dinner with my mom, Sara, Åsa and Alex. We went to Texas Burgers & Deli, because I wanted a burger. A real burger, not a McDonalds burger. Nothing bad about McDonalds but also I don't eat real beef. I just don't like the taste. The Texas Burgers that we went to was quite a cozy little place. It was not a big restaurant. I liked I might go there again some time.

My breakfast this morning (btw that is a scented candle, not that anyone cares LOL)

 The burger that I ordered at Texas Burgers & Deli

I bought an ice cream today and look what it says on the stick. LOL.

your writer, Erika


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