
Hi guys! I am back from London. I actually got back yesterday morning, sorry I didn't blog. I wasn't feeling very well. I am here now and I am going to tell you so much about this weekend. It was amazing! really amazing, and I had so much fun! I really don't know eyer to start though, hmm. I arrived in London late Friday night. So when I got to my cousins' it was just straight to bed. The next day we went to The Hummingbird Bakery in Soho.  I love their cook books (the first two, I haven't got the third one yet). So we went there. It was cute and petite. They had so many different cakes and cookies and I didn't really know what to order but I decided for chocolate peanut butter whoopie and latte. Yummy!

After that we, Moa (my cousin whom I stayed with while I was in London) and I, walked to Oxford Street and looked at clothes. LOL. I didn't by one thing except from a pair of sunglasses at RIVER ISLAND. Thank god for that because I had forgot my sunglasses in my suitcase that day, plus I really needed them later when I got to Wembley. We didn't have time to walk around that long because I had to get to Wembley Stadium for the One Direction concert, which was that whole reason I went to London in the first place.

Getting to Wembley was easy. When I got there there was just so many people. The feeling of seeing the stadium was amazing. Seeing their name and the tour name one the screen outside the stadium was, it was a moment where I felt so proud of them. It was just so cool! Iiiip. I bought my merchandise before the concert because that is always smart (I mean that there is a bigger chance to get what you want and IN YOUR size). I didn't buy anything to eat at the concert but I did buy these delicious juices from The Juice Shack inside the arena.


I just had to post this picture…. when you see it!!!

The view from where I was sitting

Wembley selfie…. took like a million of those :)

Before 5 Seconds of Summer went on stage and after their show while everyone waited for On Direction to start their show music videos were shown on the big screens. Well like right before 5SOS's show and right before 1D's show they just played loud music in the speakers. They played the Macarena and everyone in the stadium, 80,000 people danced! It was amazing! LOL.

Though I am not the biggest fan of 5 Seconds of Summer, they were good. Apparently Calum was sick and Michael said something about it and everyone was like "Awwww!" and Michael said that that was good because that would help Calum get better. Hahahaha. OMG, Ashton said that it had been a big dream of his for a long time to play at Wembley Stadium, like ever since he saw Queen there 30 something years ago. LOL.

One Direction! Wow! What can I tell you about those boys. I mean they were phenomenal! I wished I had filmed the whole thing when Liam was talking and Louis and Niall went to take a wee. LOL. It was funny. I filmed part of it but not the funny part. I took like 2,000,000 pictures. Hehehehe. THEY HAD FIREWORKS!!! OMG that was amazing and I managed to get quite a few good shots of it. But it was really hard. Because like when they and fireworks in the beginning I wasn't prepared for it, so I was like digging for my phone in my bag and the trying to get the camera app up and but then it had just turned it to smoke. But by the end of the concert I got a quite a few good shot. OMG! I filmed when Niall did his part in Better Than Words. Like FU Niall! That is too much for my weak little fangirl heart! OMG! I saw quite a few swedes at the concert. There was three girls sitting like two rows behind me and while I was walking out of the Stadiums. Then when I was walking to the tube I saw three Swedish girls. One of them had a big Swedish flag hanging over her shoulders and one of them had just a small one in her hand. That was cool. The whole concert was so amazing! It was sold out! 80,000 people! Can you believe it! I am like a proud mama! I am so glad that I got the chance to see them in London. That is really amazing.

Stockholm people… can you spot the pendeltåg?

I think this one is really cool!

This is my favorite picture from the concert!

Thanks for letting me come!


People leaving the stadium :)

The tour t-shirt that I bought!

The back of the t-shirt :)

My ticket! Isn't it beautiful! I am so putting it in a frame :)

The keyring that I bought :)

The other side of the keyring :)

Sunday. My last day in London was amazing! AMAZING! The weather was incredible! Moa showed me around where she lives. She took me to this local pub called The Actress (HELLO that is so me, actress duh!) where we had pimm's and salted almond. The pimm's was good, not that I drink but it was good. It tasted like this Swedish soft drink called Pommac, which is like a fake champagne for kids. Later in the afternoon we went to London Bridge and we walked around a little bit before we had dinner at this amazingly beautiful Nando's restaurant. We were joined by one of her friends called Steve. He was really nice. After Nando's we walked down south bank. It was really nice because the weather was beautiful. I took like a gazillion (I don't know how many zero's that is) pictures. It was such an amazing evening! I went up on the Millennium Bridge because you know, Harry Potter. OMG we walked up to this fountain where the water went up and down and created walls so that you could run inside of it. It was really amazing! So all three of us did that and we had our own little photo shoot there.

The Actress


An old fashioned style candy store :)

On London Bridge!

Tower Bridge in the background

London is really like out of a movie!

Eurovision fans!!!!

An amazing busker outside of Nando's :)

My cousin Moa and I :)


Inside Nando's :)


Look who crazy gorgeous this restaurant is!!!

When you just can't be serious and just start laughing :)

The river Themes

Millennium Bridge :)

This picture of Moa is really cool!

Popstar Erika!

London Eye!

Big Ben!

Yesterday I had to get up super early because my flight was at 6:30 AM. But surprisingly I wasn't tired so it all went well. I used my last cash at the airport and bought an almond croissant and some candy and (my favorite) blackcurrant Ribena.

London. I miss you! Thank you Moa again for an amazing weekend.

you writer, Erika


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