One Concert a Week

Hi guys! Just want to make a quick post before I head to Friends Arena for the One Direction concert tonight. Hell yeah! I hope they talk about köttbullar. LOL. It's just funny when they to that. Last year Harry just screamed köttbullar on the top of his lungs and everyone freaked out. It's just one of those things between them and the fans. Niall said "Vi älskar er!", which means we love you. I mean we will freak out from whatever they say in Swedish. But köttbullar is funny.

OMG, I just received my information email about the meet&greet/ soundcheck VIP experience for the Cody Simpson concert next Sunday! I got pretty excited about that now. I am going to meet Cody FREAKING Simpson! That is freaking crazy. Iiiip. Next Sunday I will have been going to one concert a week for four straight weeks! Iiip! Plus all of the at a different place. Miley Cyrus was at Globen, One Direction at Wembley Stadium and at Friends Arena and Cody Simpson at Fryshuset. This is crazy!  That is the fangirl life!

Well, I have to turn off my computer now because I have to get ready for tonight's concert. Have fun Friday the 13th!

your writer, Erika


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