Hasselhoff - En svensk talkshow

Oh my god, so what have I done today? Hmm, hahahaha I went to another taping of Hasselhoff - en svensk talkshow. Basically it. Nah, but kinda though. Like I wasn't "booked" (I don't know how else to put it) for today's show but then they called me this morning and I was like why not? I mean it's a fun show, I like it. So like I got the call like an hour and 20 minutes before the call time. First I was like I don't think that I can make it in time but then she said that it was okay along as I was there by like 12:50. The doors would be closed then but I could just call her and she would let me in. Hahahaha, it was so funny like 'cause I got there in time, amazing, right. So when the woman who checked off everyones name checked off my name, she was like "Oh, you're the one who could get here on such short notice." LOL. And then after the show when I was putting on my jacket this other guy who works on the show tapped my shoulder and was like "Oh, so you're here again. You're like a regular now." LOL. You guys really need to watch the show. It premieres on TV3 on February 24th at either 9 PM or 10 PM. I am not really sure. Like I had my doubts about Hasselhoff and the show before I went to the first taping but then I thought that would give it a shot and it was actually funny. Like I was surprised!

your writer, Erika


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