A Simple Tip For Pretty Nails

Hello! How are you today? I am good, just that there are some construction workers fixing something on the house infront of my balcony. There is too much noise going on out there so I can't concentrate, but I think that they're done soon (hopefully).

So this post is going to be a very simple one. I am going to share my very easy tip for getting miraculous nails. I say miraculous because I used to have very ugly nails when I worked at Espresso House. They were getting dry and just very blah looking from washing my hands all of the time. You know sanity is very important when your are working at a café or a restaurant. When I was working at Espresso House I wasn't allowed to paint my nails because that's not sanitary. I felt pretty much helpless then. I used to love doing my nails.

When I lived in Cali I bought so much nail polish I was like a hoarder. My nails were always pretty then because I had so many different colors to choose from. Then went I quit Espresso House I went through the same phase again. Hoarding nail polish. After a while I got tired doing my nails all of the time. It looks good for like a few days and then I have do redo them because the nail polish is falling off. What was I going to do then? I actually started moisturising my nails with regular handlotion. Whenever I put lotion on my hands I also rubbed some on my nails. It actually works miracles. They look so pretty just being natural. I seriously haven't painted my nails since like last fall because they are so pretty now. Just look at who shiny they are from just moisturising them! Try this yourself and you too will probably also see a change!

your writer, Erika


  1. Hej :) kul att naglarna blivit bättre, nagelolja är oxå super, brukar göra en hel manikyr när ja fixar naglarna, ta bort nagel band som trillat fram o nagelolja, säg till om du vill ha en manikyr nån dag:) ja är utbildad i de.
    Ha en fin dag kul att läsa dina inlägg ⚘ /Mikaela


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