I Can't Even

Seriously! I almost (I said almost) can't stand looking at One Dircetion pictures right now! It seriously breaks my heart that I won't meet them when they come here (okay, never say never plus FRIDA haven't announced their winner yet). Like I want to meet them so bad. Seriously, when I meet them I will cry so hard. I don't care if my mascara is running, if I am on some famous TV show and the meet will end up on youtube and I will be made fun of. At least I got to meet them. Plus who cares if it would end up on youtube. I say "Yeah" because then I will have the whole thing on video. I would single handedly get they video up to a million views pretty quick. LOL. I would fangirl over and over and over and um, yeah you get the point. LOL!

Since I can't look at One Direction pictures or listen to 1D music without bursting into tears like a baby right now I switch to Bruno Mars. Just for a little while. I mean I choose 1D over Bruno but I still absolutely love Bruno Mars too. Like how can you not? He's amazing musician and freaking hot! Love! Hahaha I love this video of Bruno at iHeart Radio. I love the begging when he says "'I think your team is sexy Bruno!' Who says that? 'I really think your team is sexy! Your trumpet player is sexy!' You work so hard at being the lead singer, you know what I'm saying and sing these songs. And you're complementing the team!?". I just think it's funny. He probably does too.

your writer, Erika


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