Fandom Craze

It's late and I need to blog. LOL. What have you boys and girl been up to all day? I went to Vällingby Centrum where Anton Ewald was performing and then had a singing. I bought a single (Begging) because I already have a poster and it's fun to have a singed cd. But it feels so old school to have a single. I mean a physical cd single. I mean I never buy single like that anymore, I buy them on iTunes like most people I guess. But it's fun to have a singed cd single. One day I am going to frame all the cd's that I have singed from different artist, which now is a small collection consisting three Jonas Brothers CD's (one only singed by Joe) and yeah the one from Anton. Anyway, Anton sang a new song called Human. It was good and he will release a EP soon. Yeah.

OMG! Ever since I joined those Belieber groups and that Directioner group my timeline on facebook is almost only Belieber and Dierctioner filled. LOL, but it's fun. The Belieber groups are a little more fun because the Beliebers only talk about Justin while the Directioners talk about other artist. Like HELLO I thought that it was a group about One Direction. Hmmm. Yeah, yeah.

Like, noo! Hahah, I was watching old Bieber videos that I posted on youtube. I just laugh at myself but I won't take them down. It's embarrassing in a way but I am still proud of them because I am showing my support for the Biebs and it's nothing embarrassing about that. It's Bebieber love and I am a proud Belieber and I will never be ashamed about it. I will stand by Justin through thick and thin!

your writer, Erika


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