That Annoying Moment When

Hi, yolo and all of that shit. LOL. But you know, no you don't, but today has been a day of I don't know. I mean the internet has been really slow all afternoon and this evening. It kinda just started functioning again. I mean function properly. I got really bored. LOL if you read my tweets from earlier you'll notice that. I tweeted some pretty meaningless stuff. I mean when you're bored you just tweet every single thought. I mean well at least I do that. Um, yeah sometimes. I do. I never delete tweets and blog posts. Never. Okay I have deleted some tweets right after I tweeted them or like the next day and there are blog posts that I have deleted because they were maybe not appropriate words coming from a 15 year old girl. Hahaha. OMG. When I say appropriate I don't mean mean things about others I mean kind of stuff we write about in SWD at times. Seriously I am so happy that all of the groups, SB, SWD, SM and some other groups are closed, 'cause if my family say what I posted in there. Oh no that can't just happen. Mohahahaha! I am so bad, if you only knew. No JK. I mean I am a good girl it is just that some people tend to be very explicit about yeah, I guess you can imagine. Sometimes there is alot of hating going on towards other fandoms and then people are not so nice. they are not nice at all. You now what I hate? When the Directioners and Beliebers fight! I mean I am both a Directioer and a Belieber. I really don't get into those fights 'cause I can't take a stand, 'cause I kinda agree with both sides.

Ooo, I uploaded a video on youtube of my reaction from watching the Best Song Ever music video for the first time. LOL. Click here if you want to see it. Or just go to my youtube channel instead, onenineninethree.

your writer, Erika


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