Living That TUMBLR Life

Hola blog readers! How have your Friday night been so far? Or maybe it just started. LOL. I watched a movie, The Awkward Moment. It was actually really good. I have to get it on Blu-ray now! It was really good. I have been wanting to see that movie ever since saw the trailer last fall. Finally. LOL.

I just wrote something and then deleted it. I mean it was tumblr related. Like are you allowed to talk about what happens on tumblr? Is it like, what you see on tumblr stays on tumblr? Idk, it kind of feel like that any way. The exception though is that if you share it with a bunch of fangirls, 'cause that it's totally okay. OMG. I just saw some shit and, I can't even. Hahahaha (just sitting here trying not to laugh too hard). It is true though. Very true, or idk that's the feeling that I have got anyway. Tumblr is amazing though, it really is.

your writer, Erika


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