Big Bang

Seriously though I could go to school in Cali next semester (spring 2014 that will say) just so that I could go to Las Vegas for my 21st birthday. I mean, just because of that one reason. It's not that I am loosing something from being in California for four months! I am gaining alot. Like an education! But it's also like what I talked about yesterday, you know, all that about if I really want to to go to school. 'Cause otherwise it's just a waste of money. I need to be really sure that that is what I want to do, you know. Hahaha. It will never be a waste of experience or anything like that. Actually it is not a waste of money too. 'Cause I feel like I am paying for so much more than an education, you know. Since I am not from America I am paying for more than an education. You know right. It is the experience of being there. I don't know what to say other than that.

Have you guys watched my vlog from yesterday? In case you haven't watched it watch it here. I am noting to upload another video tomorrow. It's an outtake from yesterdays video. Kinda the explanation why I did a "big bang" like Keyyo at the end. Hahaha. For like almost five minutes or so I sat and tried to find Keyyo on youtube. It was really frustrating since I didn't know how she spell her name (but I do now, it's Keyyo) and I didn't know the name of her youtube channel (VeryCoolNinja). Aaaaah. Fun times. Don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel onenineninethree.

your writer, Erika


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